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Through our Asylum Travel Fund, we provide support for people who cannot afford necessary travel relating to their asylum case (e.g. Home Office interviews, Embassy appointments or court hearings). We can cover the cost of travel to and from appointments and a small subsistence payment for the journey.


In all instances the partner organisation will buy the travel ticket and invoice RSS for reimbursement. In no circumstances should funds be given to the applicant to purchase their own ticket. Partners to provide evidence of appointment details (eg. letter from Embassy) and receipt of the cost of the travel ticket when invoicing. All tickets must be invoiced to within 30 days of approval date.

A subsistence payment of £10 per individual travelling will also be made with each approved application via the referral partner. 

The application must be for travel outside of Glasgow and must be related to the progress of the asylum case. RSS is unable to assist with funding for visits to family members or to attend a funerals or other events. For example:

  • Travel to Croydon for an initial screening interview  
  • Travel to Liverpool for a fresh claim submission 
  • Other travel areas as specified by the Home Office (e.g. Edinburgh) 
  • Travel to an embassy for an appointment, if this will assist with the legal case. Please include details on the application form


Should you have any questions in relation to our transport services please do not hesitate to contact us at: